Orchard Film

World-class processing meets scanning excellence. Film negatives require a skilled hand and top-end equipment, which is where we come in! Along with our partners Kodak, no matter the age, no matter the amount, we can handle, restore, digitise, and colour your negative.

Film Stock

We offer 8mm packages for stock, scan, and process through our online shop. 16mm, 35mm, and 65mm film negative stock are available through Kodak Lab London or their reseller Frame 24. For our South American clients, please visit our partner RunnerFilmes.

Film Scanning

Our experienced scanning team will digitise your film negative within 24 hours of receipt at the Kodak Film Lab at Pinewood Studios. With decades of experience, your negative will be handled with the utmost care and attention by our skilled technicians. Our state-of-the-art scanners capture 8mm at 4K with 16mm, 35mm, and 65mm able to be scanned up to 6.5K via our Arriscan, Scanity 4K HDR and ScanStation 65 scanners.

Film Dailies

Our scan department is based at Pinewood Studios alongside our partners, Kodak London. This allows for seamless film processing, scanning, and dailies. As part of our scanning packages, we offer viewing dailies, QC, and dailies grade. Should you be interested, we also offer synced editorial packages, drive and LTO archival, and final grade from our facility based in Chalfont St Giles.

Digital Film Out

Digital Film Out allows you to take your digital project and play out your master file to film. This would then be processed and scanned with the resulting scan having authentic and natural film grain.

Student Services

We’re more than happy to assist students with their stock, processing, and scanning needs by offering advice, workflow preparation, and discounted costs. Contact us using our Film Booking Form to discuss your project.


Film restoration requires a steady hand, and this is why our scanners are ideal as they use laser-registered technology, rather than sprockets, to scan fragile or damaged negative. With our restoration team, your negative can be sonically cleaned, digitised, de-spotted, processed via DustBuster+ and graded to your specifications.