Tech Spotlight - Data Manager John McNally
06 February 2025

Technician Spotlight series - here's Data Manager John McNally
Next up in our Technician Spotlight: Meet John McNally, our dedicated Data Manager 💿⚡️
👋 Introduce yourself!
My name is John McNally, and I work as a Lab Technician, Data Manager, and Near-set DIT
⏱️ How long have you worked in this role?
About 4 years
🎉 What do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy safeguarding hard work carried out by everyone on set. Without effective data management to ensure everything captured by the Sound and Camera teams makes it to edit, everything else done on set would be pointless. I see my work as a tribute to the work carried out by often overlooked crew members
🎞️ TV Show/ Film you loved working on?
Road to a Million. One of the best parts of my job is the opportunity to work in new and exciting environments. Whilst shooting Road to a Million I got the chance to travel to the Atacama desert!
🎭 Best way to spend down-time off set?
I would love to say that I am some sort of renaissance man off set, but the reality is a little more mundane. I mostly enjoy watching absurdly bad horror movies, hanging out with friends, and watching absurdly bad horror movies with my friends
💭 Tips for those starting out
Don't be a ‘yeah yeah yeah’ person. Many eager newcomers, especially fresh out of film school, are so keen to prove themselves that they say yes to everything without fully considering what’s being asked. While enthusiasm is great, over-promising can lead to unrealistic expectations, putting both you and the production at risk. Some people might even take advantage of your inexperience, expecting more than what’s feasible
Instead of blindly agreeing when asked if you can do something, take a moment. Ask how they want it done, assess whether it’s achievable, and make sure everyone is on the same page. If you’re confident in your skills, know it’s possible within the given time and budget, and the situation calls for quick action- then go for it!
The more skilled and adaptable you become, the easier your job- and the production- will be. Mastering your craft makes you a reliable asset, increasing the chances that people will want you back on set
👉 Book John today!