Film Shop

Super 8 50D / 7203 Negative Film

From £40 ex VAT

KODAK VISION3 50D Colour Negative Film 7203, the world’s finest grain film, delivers unsurpassed image quality, real-world flexibility, digital compatibility and archival stability.

Process ECN-2.


  • 50 Daylight (5600K) balanced 35mm colour negative film
  • ENC2 processing for best results
  • Wide exposure latitude
  • Can be push-processed up to 3 stops

Expiration, Storage and handling: Super 8 film should be used within 6 months of purchase. We only sell new stock, never short ends or reloads. Load and unload film in subdued light. Store unexposed film in a refrigerator. Process film as soon as possible after exposure.

Prices based on 50ft (1x Cartridge).


Select your film package from us and purchase online.


Go be creative.


Post your reels to us and complete the Film Shop Project form.


Your processed reels will be available for download from Sohonet Filerunner.

Exposed negatives should be sent to:

Kodak Ltd
C/O. Kodak Laboratory London
The Ken Adam Building
Pinewood Film Studios
Pinewood Road
Iver SL0 0NH

Please clearly label your 8mm cartridges with your name and title of the project.

Film reels will be returned on request at an additional cost - processed negatives will be disposed of in 90 days unless collection or shipping is arranged.

Any enquiries please email