Luis Reggiardo Colourist

Photo of Luis Reggiardo

With a degree in Cinematography from the Argentine National Film School, Luis began his film career as a Video and Camera Trainee. He swiftly progressed to Video Operator and High Speed Operator and later trained as a DIT in the U.S. Luis spent at least 10 years as a DIT and Onset Colourist working on more than 140 commercials, features and TV series across a number of countries.

Through his time onset, he honed a set of valuable skills; from keeping calibrated visual references to running a consistent live grade service and managing dailies labs whilst recording grading information for future post work. His many years onset has given him a unique perspective on how to deal with different lenses, filters and lighting setups. With vast industry experience from working on a variety of production types and scales, Luis has gained an in-depth knowledge of workflows, technologies and creative tools.

Becoming a DI Colourist was the next natural step for Luis. Working with DOPs from around the world, each with their unique approach to colour and lighting, allowed him train his eye and expand his visual library.
