Access Trainee Scheme

Our Trainee Scheme is a year-long part-time programme providing in-person and online training, mentoring, on-set shadowing, and industry advise for individuals passionate about Film & TV and looking to progress their career as a DIT or Video Trainee.

This includes:

Training sessions across DIT & Video Playback, including technical workshops, extending to on-set etiquette, and industry advice on rates and negotiations.

A minimum of 5 days on-set shadowing either a DIT or Video technician.

An allocated ‘mentor’ partnership, for advice, guidance, and ongoing support.

Marketing through Digital Orchard.

Opportunity for trainee work across long and short form productions.

Diary management and ongoing support throughout the year.

We are looking for people with 2 years experience on-set (within any area) with some technical knowledge of computers and cameras and a passion for film and TV. Bursaries and support are available for those who face barriers to progression within the industry.

Access 25: Trainee Scheme will be taking applications in February 2025.